Mindfulness Made Easy

5 Practical Ways to Incorporate Mindfulness into Your Day

Lisa Y.
4 min readNov 3, 2020

I know what you may be thinking, “Mindfulness — the ever-popular keyword we can’t seem to hear enough about”. But, if you’re here reading these words, on some level you already believe there is power in this practice.

And I am here to validate this belief. There is power in the act of incorporating mindful practices into your every-day routine. The concept of mindfulness really is about being present in the moment. That said, if you are reading this article while doing something else, STOP.

Congratulations, you made a choice — you are here, now. See how easy that was? Making the choice to pause the background noise and focus on what is in front of you is one huge step toward a more mindful life! The following tips are just as simple and will help you become more aware.

1. Get Outside. At some point in your day, open the door, step outside, and breathe. Look around and acknowledge the beauty that surrounds you. Feel the temperature of the air. Look up at the sky, down to the earth, and out to the life that is surrounding you. Fill yourself with the beauty that, too often, goes unrecognized and unappreciated.

2. Create. Paint, sketch, write, make music, get crafty, cook a meal, or build something. It seems almost magical to me, how easily I can silence my monkey brain when I sit down to create something. If you enjoy creating, you can take it a step further and turn your mindful moments into your side hustle. I have always enjoyed making jewelry; and when I found myself with a decent inventory made from mindful moments, I decided to build and and launch an Etsy shop. So many other people are selling their creative expressions — why can’t we? Who wouldn’t want to make money while being mindful?

3. Express yourself. Share your story. Write it down in a journal. Spend a few minutes each day putting your feelings down on paper. Consider writing an article relevant to your experiences. You’ll speak your truth while reaching others who may be inspired by your journey. If writing isn’t your thing — talk to yourself. You have so many conversations with yourself in your head, now it is time to take control of the discussion. Verbalize the thoughts — and bring them to a place of empowerment. You spend enough time each day criticizing yourself; take a break and build yourself up. Thank yourself for coming this far. Praise yourself for making positive changes. Give yourself space to feel your feelings.

4. Set an intention. Start each day with an intention. Every day that you wake up, you have been gifted with another chance to live. And you are the only one that makes the choice on how you will live that day. Sure, there are always external influences but you are in control of how you respond to them. Use the influences to guide your intention. If you are struggling to loose weight, your intention could be, “I will make healthy choices today.” If you are overwhelmed at work, tell yourself, “I will be productive and flexible as I make progress toward my goals”. Address whatever may be getting in your way by intending to move past it.

5. Pause. Take a beat. Just breathe. In the shower, in-between meetings, and errands, etc., Before you check the box, or cross-off tasks on your list, pause to reflect. Give yourself praise for the accomplishment and encouragement for what comes next. Before you get out of your car to run into the store, pause. Collect your thoughts, take five deep breaths, and center your mind. These small moments of pause throughout the day will bring you balance without thinking. They will help you stay present and perfectly positioned to fully experience the moments throughout your day.

Practicing mindfulness throughout your day will bring you a greater awareness of this life you’ve been gifted. It will allow you to know yourself in a new way and will empower you to step into your authentic self. When you are living in your truth, you make space for others to do the same. If you have lost your sense of purpose or your connection to the world around you these simple tips can help you reconnect to your true nature. Surrounding yourself with your tribe, or working with a coach can also help you step into your truth so you can begin living your best life every damn day!

Take a Second Look

Lisa is a transformational life coach who is passionate about helping others build their confidence in order to play big, own who they are, and step into their authentic selves. Lisa believes that behind those that have it all, is a coach dedicated to their success. She works with the hustlers who are open to exploring their true nature and live their best lives.



Lisa Y.

Coach, Brand Builder, Communicator, and Spiritual Explorer.